business college 商學院。
商學院。 “business“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.事務,業務;事,事業,行業,工作。 2.實業; ...“college“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.(綜合大學中的)學院。 2.〔美國〕分科[單科 ...“college of business“ 中文翻譯: 商學院“baker junior college of business“ 中文翻譯: 貝克初級商學院“college of business administration“ 中文翻譯: 工商管理學院; 經貿管理學院(經貿學院) :“guangdong business college“ 中文翻譯: 廣東商學院“journal of henan business college“ 中文翻譯: 河南商業高等專科學校學報“london college of business accountancy“ 中文翻譯: 會計等學術研究和培訓工作英國倫敦會計商學院“massey business college“ 中文翻譯: 梅西商學院“south zealand business college“ 中文翻譯: 南西蘭商學院“be in college“ 中文翻譯: 上大學“college“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.(綜合大學中的)學院。 2.〔美國〕分科[單科]大學;高等(專科)學校;〔英國〕大學預科專門學校。 3.(以上各學校的)校舍;院;(牛津、劍橋等大學的自治組織)宿舍。 4.(英國的)私立中等學校〔亦稱“公學”〕;(法國的)私立高等學院。 5.團體,學會。 6.【宗教】長老會,紅衣主教團。 7.〔俚語〕監牢,感化院;(老弱殘廢人的)收容所。 C- of Arms =Herald's C- 徽章院。 C- of Cardinals=Sacred C- (梵蒂岡教廷的)樞密院。 C- of Justice 蘇格蘭高等法院。 college of the apostles (十二)使徒團。 C- of Surgeons 外科醫學會。 “in college“ 中文翻譯: 念大學或專科時“in the college“ 中文翻譯: 在某一學院或專科學校內“business“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.事務,業務;事,事業,行業,工作。 2.實業;商業,營業,買賣,交易;營業額,交易量;商情。,企業,公司;事務所。 4.職責,本分;權利。 5.要事,要務;難事。 6.【戲劇】動作,表情。 7.(會議等的)議程。 business as usual 照常營業。 follow the business of 以…為業。 What line of business is he in 他是干什么的? His business is poultry farming. 他從事養雞業。 hours of business[business hours] 營業[辦公]時間。 do good [a great] business 生意好,賺錢[做大買賣]。 We shut up business at six. 我們六點鐘停止營業。 depression of business商情不景氣。 domestic [foreign] business國內[對外]貿易。 open a business 開店[開業]。 build [set] up a business開店,設商號。 His business is on the corner of Broadway and Elm street. 他的商號設在百老匯和埃爾姆街拐角的地方。 business centre 商業中心。 What a business it is! 實在麻煩!an awkward business麻煩事。 What is your business here 有什么事? It is none of your business. 不關你事,別管閑事。 I have business with him. 我跟他有要緊的事要談。 It's your business to wash the dishes now. 現在該你洗碗碟了。 be doing good business with 和…關系不錯。 business accounting unit 經濟核算單位。 B- before pleasure. 正事要緊。 the business end 〔俚語〕(工具等)起作用的部分,使用[銳利]的一頭 (the business end of a scythe 大鐮刀的刀身。 the business end of a revolver 手槍的槍身)。 B- is business . 公事公辦;生意是生意,交情歸交情。 come [get] to business 動手做事;言歸正傳。 do sb.'s business = do the business for sb. 〔口語〕要某人的命(That much will be enough to do his business. 那就足夠要他的命了。 This will do the business for him. 這會要他的命的)。 enter on [upon] business 開業。 Everybody's business is nobody's business . 人人負責,結果無人負責。 get down to business 認真干起來。 get [give] the business 〔美俚〕(被)粗暴地對待;(被)作弄。 go about one's business 做自己的事;〔常作命令式〕(Go about your business. 去你的,走開)。 go into business 入實業界做生意。 go out of business 停業;改行。 go to business 上班。 Good business! 干得好!妙極了! have no business to do [say] sth. 沒有做[說]某事的權利[道理]。 (You have no business coming into this house. 你沒有進這個屋子的權利。 The weather has no business to be so warm in winter. 冬天的氣候不該這樣暖和)。 know one's business 精通本行。 like nobody's business 〔口語〕特別地。 make business of 以…為業。 make a great business of it 覺得難辦[棘手],甚覺麻煩。 make the business for 了結。 man of business 1. 實業家;事務家。 2. 商業[法律]代理人 (He is a man of business. 他是一個實業家。 He is her man of business. 他是她的商業[法律]代理人)。 mean business (行動、話等)是當真的(I mean business. 我是當真的,不是說笑。 By the fire in his eyes we know that he meant business. 從他憤怒的眼神中,我們看出他不是說著玩的)。 Mind your own business . 不要管閑事。 monkey business 〔美俚〕胡鬧;欺騙。 on business 因公,有事,有要事(No admittance except on business. 非公莫入,閑人免進)。 out of business 破產,失業。 send sb. about his business 趕走某人;辭退[解聘]某人。 stick to one's business 專心做事。 talk business 說正經話,談正經的。 adj. -like 1.事務式的;有條理的。 2.有效的,講究實際的 (a business administration 有效的經營。 He did his work in a business way. 他踏踏實實地工作)。 “business this“ 中文翻譯: 本周商業“by-business“ 中文翻譯: 兼業“in business“ 中文翻譯: 經商,經營; 在做買賣; 做生意“on business“ 中文翻譯: 出差辦事; 忙于事業; 因工作,因上午; 因公,因事; 因公,公事; 因公事,因公務; 因公有事; 因事,因公; 在出差“s business“ 中文翻譯: 個體的企業知識“the business“ 中文翻譯: 黑幫生意“this business“ 中文翻譯: 這檔子事“business is business“ 中文翻譯: 不能講私情; 讀書如交友; 工作就是工作; 含有“不講私情”之意; 莫為滅鼠而焚屋; 事業在先; 是“公事公辦”; 勿小題大作; 享樂在后; 應求少而精; 在商言商“business to business“ 中文翻譯: 商業對商業; 業務對業務“business-business“ 中文翻譯: 與企業
business cycle |
Although the largest proportion come from north america , there will be striking increases in admissions from eastern europe and from newly prosperous trading partners like south korea . 1998 ’ s entrants include some 300 , 000 students , one - third of them from asia ? heading for the provincial universities , business colleges and private schools which now market themselves so aggressively the world over 1998年,入境人口中有約30萬學生,其中就有三分之一來自亞洲,這些學生紛紛進入各個地方大學、商務學院以及私立學校求學深造,而這些大學和學院已然在世界各地開展起了極為迅猛的自我推銷。 |
Lots of famous organizations began to realize that the groups , especially the service organizations , should focus on how to satisfy the needs of the internal employees and the needs of external customers . in 1994 , james heskett and his colleagues , professors of harvard business college , proposed the service profit chain model under the analysis of many successful organizations 本文以服務利潤鏈理論為基礎,以我國服務企業? ?青島某連鎖藥店為例,實證檢驗了服務利潤鏈中外部構件和企業經濟績效之間存在的關系,即顧客滿意與顧客忠誠,顧客忠誠與企業經濟績效之間的關系。 |
Perhaps it was with the hope of narrowing it that she yielded to his persuasions to go to night school and business college and to have herself gowned by a wonderful dressmaker who charged outrageous prices 也許是為了縮小距離,她接受了他的建議去上夜校,上商業學院,還請了一個了不起的女衣裁縫給她做衣服,那裁縫收費高得嚇人。 |
In 1990 mr . shi was rewarded a bachelor ' s degree from the politics department of northeast normal university . in 1993 , he became a teacher at beijing trade and business college 1986年考入東北師范大學政治教育系, 1990年獲哲學學士學位。同年,師從鄭如心教授攻讀哲學碩士。 1993年研究生畢業后分配至原北京財貿學院理論部工作。 |
Furthermore , south zealand business college wishes to contribute greatly to internationalization and we are therefore very proud to have chinese students at our college 此外,南西蘭商業學院希望能為國際化作出貢獻并以能擁有來自中國的學生為榮。 |
There must be something you want - to go to school or business college . you might like to study and be a stenographer . i could fix it for you 你總想得到點什么東西吧上中學呀,上商業學院呀,可能想學學速記吧,我都可以為你安排。 |
A few students in business colleges regarded cheating as one of their most necessary means to ensure achievement in their future career life 一些商學院的學生將作弊說成是他們將來取得職場成功的可能用到的必要手段。 |
Qi ming , the prexy of south china university of technology electron business college , is an expert on how to innovate 而華南理工大學電子商務學院院長祁明教授則正是研究如何創新的專家。 |
Champion of the 2006 hong kong society retirement plan research competition organized by et business college 于經濟商學院舉辦的二零零六香港社會退休計劃研究比賽,勇奪冠軍 |
Our senior staff teach a social work introductory course to year one students of guangdong business college 本處資深員工為廣東商學院社工系一年級生講授社工導論課程。 |
Now i am a student in the department of tourism , wuhan business college and will graduate this july 我目前就讀于武漢商業學院旅游系,今年7月畢業。 |
Business college of beijing union university 北京林業大學 |
Journal of henan business college 河南商業高等專科學校學報 |
Journal of anhui business college of vocational technology 安徽商貿職業技術學院學報 |